

Mindfulness: Weathering the Storm

November blog: mindfulness

When people think of mindfulness, they tend to think of it as a lifestyle or immediately relate it to things like meditation, yoga and stillness. The concept of mindfulness had always been rather vague and unquantifiable. But mindfulness doesn’t have to be a lifestyle, or a way of living, so to speak. It can simply […]

Get What You Want

Sep blog: Get What You Want

Every day, people express their desires for happiness, weight loss, mental clarity, or the courage to start a business. Wanting is a fundamental part of human motivation, rooted in childhood when we blew out birthday candles and prayed for divine assistance. However, I encountered someone with strong desires who had made no progress. As a […]

Back To School Tips

Illustration of miniature-sized kids running on top of a table filled with stacked books and stationeries

As the back-to-school season approaches, we understand the mix of emotions you and your children may be experiencing. The return to the school routine after a break can be both exciting and challenging. But fear not! We’ve got your back with three essential tips to help your kids thrive as they return to the classroom. […]

Unity in Diversity

Small icons of different people in front a red background all standing closely together to signify unity in diversity of culture and race.

Singapore, a small but diverse nation, celebrates its National Day on August 9th. This day serves as a reminder to foster unity among people with different cultures, and how it goes beyond national symbols, and the iconic songs we’ve sung in primary school. It extends to how we love and respect one another’s cultural differences. […]